Noun - Danh từ - Part 1

  • Danh từ (Noun): Là từ dùng để chỉ người, đồ vật, con vật, địa điểm, hiện tượng, khái niệm .. Thường được ký hiệu là “N” hoặc “n” và thường giữ vai trò chủ ngữ (S), tân ngữ (O) trong câu.
  • Phân loại: Danh từ số ít/số nhiều – đếm được/không đếm được
  • dụ:
    • Table
    • Jungle Rules
    • Cat
    • Water
    • Money

Practice: Noun

  1. Children have a lot of things to play.
  2. What is happiness?
  3. Her confidence makes her beautiful.
  4. It’s sunny. So you don’t have to bring the raincoat.
  5. The students show their excitement before the lesson.

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Will - Be going to - Be about to


  • Dùng để diễn tả hành động sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai
  • Ví dụ:

    • I will join Esta’s birthday party

    • I'm going to join Esta birthday party

    • I will go camping this weekend

    • I'm going to go camping this weekend


  1. I completely forgot to call my mom. Give me a minute, I…do it now.
  2. Tonight, I……stay home. I’ve borrowed some books.
  3. Hei James, I… go shopping now. Do you need anything?
  4. If any problems arise, feel free to ask me. I…. help you
  5. Where are you going? I ........ meet Ms. Emerald.
  6. Tea or coffee? I ....... have some coffee.

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Must - Have to

  • Là những động từ khiếm khuyết thiếu mang ý nghĩa “phải làm/nên làm một điều gì đó”.
  • dụ:
    • You must make a video speaking English.
    • I have to make a video speaking English.
    • You must be here.
    • You have to be here.

Practice: MUST OR HAVE TO?

  1. Students …. wear uniforms when they go to school
  2. You really ….. work harder If you want to pass the exam
  3. She is a really nice person. You … meet her
  4. I left before the end of the party, I …… go home early
  5. In Vietnam, you …. walk on the right side of the road.
  6. It’t sunny. So you ……. bring the raincoat.
  7. The water is very hot. You …. touch it.

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Câu cảm thán - Exclamation sentence

  • Exclamation sentence (Câu cảm thán) diễn tả một cảm xúc (emotion) hay thái độ (attitude) tới sự vật, sự việc đang nói tới
  • Thường dùng với HOW, WHAT, SO, SUCH,…
    • dụ:
      What friendly Estaers are!
      How crazy Emerald is!
      They are such pretty girls!
      She is so beautiful!



Rewrite sentences

1. The weather today is so beautiful!

-> How ...

2. He sings so well!

-> How ...

3. These questions are so easy.

-> How ...

4. She looks so tired.

-> How ...

5. These girls are very naughty.

-> How ...


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